
Totally Oral Podcast

Drs Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer furthers the legacy created by Dr Lance Timmerman by interviewing guests who can bring insight in to the field of dentistry.
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Totally Oral Podcast











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Now displaying: 2023
Dec 29, 2023

August de Oliveira joins Totally Oral to discuss his latest teaching endeavor: MOD Institute and the importance of 3D printed dentistry. 

August also hints at future trends in digital dentistry and if Skynet is inevitable given all the advances in AI.  

Dec 23, 2023

This week Russell talks wtih Dr. Parham Radmanesh who is an Iranian born Canadian dentist trained at Boston University who decided to leave the cold to move to Los Angeles.  Parham bought a struggling office and talks about his journey of buying a failing office that no one else wanted from an owner who just wanted out.  Parham then decided to buy 3 more offices.  Russell and Parham talk about Parham's journey and challenges of expanding so quickly and how Parham learned to scale.  Overall it is a cool story and one that challenges a lot of conventional wisdom.
Also we talk about Parham's SEO company as well and why he started offering his services to other dentists.

Dec 15, 2023

This week Clint and Russ talk with Dr. Nick Boyd.  Nick practices in Annapolis, MD at Boyd Family Dentistry and went to dental school later in life after a career in business.  While he was an associate for a while, he bought an office from a dentist who unfortunately took his own life.  We talk about that transition and how it actually went really well for him thankfully.  We go on to discuss how we remove stress from our lives by firing patients, working the hours we want to work, and having the office work us rather than the other way around.  Last but not least, stay on for arguably the best "Just the Tip" of all time.

Dec 8, 2023

Clint and Russ talk Alan Mead in this very non dental podcast about his horse boarding business and farm life.  We have fun talking for an hour talking about various topics and let the conversation flow like it normally does.  

Alan's podcast is Very Dental and if well worth the follow if you like our podcast.

Dec 1, 2023

Russ interviews Dr. DeAngelo Webster this week on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  DeAngelo graduated from University of Michigan in 2016 and did his start up immediately after dental school against conventional wisdom for a fraction of what the normal cost of a startup.  His practice's name is White Pine Dental Health is located half way between Ann Arbor and Detroit.  His focus at his office is on "dental school" dentistry which he explains in the podcast.

DeAngelo goes through how he learned to run a dental business and how he went on to create Practice Biopsy which is his dental continuing education company that focuses on helping employee dentists become owner dentists.  He also runs an active Facebook group of around 5k dentists with the same name.

Last but not least we talk about DeAngelo's marketing strategy around branding and how his goal was to be the most famous person in a five mile radius around his office.

Nov 24, 2023

This week Russell interviews Dr. Nolan Andrews.  Nolan owns Main Street Implant and Family Dentistry in El Dorado, KS right outside of Wichita.  He talks about his initial dreams of moving down from Nebraska and starting up a DSO, but that quickly fell apart as he realized that he just wanted to own one office.  He worked with Mr. Dan Giroux for negotating his contract to buy his current office.  

Russ met Nolan last year at Pathways and both share a love of technology.  Nolan shares how he's implemented August D'Oliveria's course from Pathway into his office for his All on X cases.  While August doesn't teach that specific course anymore, you can find out more about his course at the MOD institute which are fantastic as well. 

Finally we talk about the fun of owning a dental office and how Nolan trying to shoo away a meth head lead to him discovering embezzlement in his office.

Nov 17, 2023

Russell and Clint discuss marketing, future CE courses and hopes the future.  

Nov 10, 2023

Sunny Pahouja, who runs the Dental Investment Group on Facebook, joins Clint and Russell to talk about current market trends, inflation, where and how to invest your money, how to appreach spendign money in your practice and why Ohio State likes to emphasize the "THE" in their name so much. 

Nov 3, 2023

This week Russ and Clint talk with Dr. John Pasicznyk who is a dentist in Naples, FL who runs an implant focused office.  We talk about JP's journey from owning five dental offices and the awfulness of that to being a partner at a DSO focused on AoX and how much more he enjoys Florida over the midwest.  We also talk about the craziness about how he learned how to do zygomatic implants.  They involve an Italian company, a bank wire, and trip to Brazil. 
If you want to learn zygomas though, the information for the oral surgeon we talk about in the show is 

Joao Baptista Ilha Filho and his Whatsapp number is +55 44 99857-8788

He will hopefully be on in an upcoming episode.
Finally Russ and Clint pepper JP with other implant questions to round out the episode.
After the end song, JP and Clint talk about one of the cases JP did when he was in Brazil.  It is pretty crazy.

Oct 27, 2023

Anthoney Gonzalez returns to the show to talk about LANAP laser therapy and how it has enhanced the perio health of his patients.  He also goes into detail about DNA testing to determine the type of bacteria that is invading a given oral flora and how treatments through debridement, laser therapy and antibiotics and target specific pathogens afflicating a patient. 

Oct 22, 2023

The Godfather, Lance Timmerman, returns to discusses appropriate times to crown a tooth vs a direct resin restoration.  He argues that what sometimes may be viewed as aggressive may actually be conservative in the grand scheme of things. 

Oct 14, 2023

This week Clint and Russ talk with Dr. Gina Dorfman the Founder of Yapi.  Full disclosure that while Russ has been a long time user of Yapi and Clint is a new user of Yapi neither are paid to do this interview.  We just both like Yapi a lot.  We discuss with Gina the importance of doing online scheduling, online payments, and how Yapi helps integrate patient communcation and automation into your office. All of these things help give patients a better experience and help you both attract and retain them.  Great and informative podcast.

If you are interested in learning more about Yapi go to  

Oct 7, 2023

This week Russ and Clint catch Steven Vorholt as he drives across the Phoenix desert going in and out of coverage and discussing his pathway from Ohio to Arizona to soon to be California.  We have discuss what it is like being a traveling surgeon, how to suceed at doing that, as well as why he decided to leave that role.  Finally we discuss clinical implant stuffs because of course we do.  Last but not least, go buy the book that Steven wrote a chapter in.  It is fantastic.

Sep 29, 2023

Dr Matt Bickel goes Totally Oral and talks about being a dentist in "the good part of New Jersey". Most importantly, Matt shares his experience of being embezzled and what steps dentists can take to help decrease the chance of that happening to them. 

Sep 22, 2023

Clinton and Russell interview Dr Amy Nygren of Reno, Nevada, who is a Wolfpack fan as well as a lover of musicals.  Dr Nygren is known as the "Dr Amy Who Sings" in the office to distinguish herself from the other Dr Amy in the office, who is known as the "Dr Amy Who Boondoggles".  

Listen to her journey as a dentist since her time at UNLV as well as her passion for drama and performing in community plays. 

Sep 16, 2023

Dr James Martin goes Totally Oral this week to discuss his perspective on how dentists can achieve financial success and be happier within the profession.  He also shares what pitfalls to avoid. 

Dr Martin has a podcast called "Dentists Who Invest", as well as online courses on his website  He also has some upcoming courses in person in London and possibly some other locations in the near future.  

Take a listen and find out what pearls Dr Martin may have to offer that could potentially help you thrive in your practice. 

Sep 11, 2023

Clint and Russell talk with Dr. Chonway Tram this week.  Chonway practices in a little town just west of Los Angeles called Rancho Cucamonga where he owns a 4 operatory fee for service office and does a lot of digital dentistry.  We talk about Chonway's path to learning digital and why he loves digital dentistry.  We finish off talking about new graduates path to learning digital dentistry as well. 

Sep 2, 2023

This week Clint and Russ interview Dr. Jesse McGuire an orthodontist out of Goodyear, AZ.  We talk about his journey from DSO medicaid orthodontist in Texas during the late 2000's and early 2010's and then moved to Phoenix to join another DSO to starting his own private practice office five years ago.  We talk about the challenges of running an ortho office and how he decides what to incorporate and what not to incorporate (hint it ain't Invisalign).  Overall it was a fun to talk with a dentist who isn't a GP and hear about how our worlds are pretty darn similar.

Aug 27, 2023

You listened to his other half with Dr Caroline Michaels, now hear the rest of the story with Dr Shawn Rajendram, who runs a rural practice in central Ohio (sorry, THE central Ohio). Hear about all the challenges and successes Dr Raj has experienced in The Buckeye State. 

Aug 20, 2023

This week Clint and Russ talk with Dr. Arthur Volker.  Artie practices out of Queens, NY and pretty much devotes his office to direct restorative.  The man just loves composite and we pick his brain about it for the better part of an hour from technique to patient management.  We talk about what he teaches and his courses at both Bioclear and Cosmodent.  Also we ask how the heck a dentist who loves composite bought a dental lab that does crown and bridge?  
If you want to take a course from Artie (which we highly recommend), you can either go to Cosmodent or Bioclear and look up courses coming soon.  

Aug 14, 2023

Russell and Clinton are joined by Mohamed Attia of Alexandria, Virginia, who recently lectured at the annual AGD meeting about clinical pitfalls he wants to help dentists avoid.  These suggestions come into play for every day practice, from working with a wife (try to avoid that) and taking an x-ray for emergency patients, even if one was recently taken. Take a listen and perhaps find a pearl or two that could potentially save your bacon!

Aug 6, 2023

This week Russ and Clint talk with Dr. David Yang who is the owner of True North Dental and runs The Real World Dentistry Facebook group.  David is a hygienist turned dentist who practices in Flagstaff, AZ and runs a Fee for Service office and essentially is a super GP.  The man does everything from teaching to 3d printing to all on X treatment to re treatment.  We finish the conversation talking about how he placed an implant on himself with his Yomi.  

Jul 30, 2023

This week Russell interview Dr. Caroline Michaels is an oral pathologist based out of Columbus, Ohio who runs a private practice clinic called Capital Oral Pathology. She sees patients, accepts referrals, and reads biopsies.  If you want to email her, her email is  
We talk about her journey to becoming a oral pathologist as well as her experience opening an office.  We also talk about the advancements and changes in oral pathology in the past decades and where the future of oral path is.

Jul 24, 2023

This week Russ goes solo with a dentist who graduated with him Dr. Sarah Bihm.  Sarah owns an office in Crowley, La but is active in the Louisiana Dental Assocation.  Russell wanted to get her on as she is so active as he wanted to hear her opinion on what does the Louisiana Dental Assocation do as well as why should dentists join the ADA and organized dentistry.  We also talk about her practice and what it is like doing dentistry in a small town where she literally knows the other three dentists who are all friends.   

Jul 16, 2023

Russ and Clint talk with Dr. David Sanders from Illinois this week.  David owns an office that focuses on IV sedation.  We discuss where he was trained and how he chooses his cases and when he decides to punt.  We also discuss family dynamics as he practices with his sister who is also a dentist and also practiced with his father who started offering sedation back in the 70's.  

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