Clinton and Russell speak with Stephen Trahan.
Listen and hear his adventures in the Bayou, going to dental school in Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina, being a military dentist and how he ended up in The Lone Star State.
Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer talk with Matthew Hernandez, a third generation denturist from Texas who now resides in the lovely town of Mukilteo, Washington. Matthew has started and sold DSO's multiple times and continues to seek opportunities that can help boost the profession.
He has also hunted wild packs of hogs, which actually sounds somewhat dangerous, even when armed with uzis or whatever type of hunting item one chooses.
Clint had to take an unexpected trip to Gainsville, Florida, and attend a dental board meeting. He learned some pearls he thought he should share to help listeners avoid any potential trouble in the future.
Russell also shares going to the new Implant Pathways center in Arizona and how rad it is.
In summation to avoid problems with a dental board:
1) Shit’s gonna happen
2) Document, document, document
3) Contact your patient and show concern; document that you contacted your patient
4) Be honest—with your patient, your lawyer, in your notes, in your testimony to the board. Honesty is the best policy.
5) Refer when indicated. Referring and documenting that you referred can go a long way.
Justin Morgan goes totally oral with Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer to talk about what both practice purchasers and practice sellers need to be mindful of when it comes to selling and buying a practice.
Listen and find out what advice Justin may have for you!
Reach out and seek his counsel!
Kelly Tipple shares what it's like marrying into a profession she previously knew nothing about and all the many joys the field of dentistry bring her.
Russell Schafer was presumably out 3D printer shopping but will be back with us next week.
Russell Schafer explains to Clinton Timmerman how he is able to make Medicaid work for his office through strategic scheduling and dentures.
Learn Russell's simple 3 step denture technique at
Deren Flesher goes Totally Oral with Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer. He has a private practice in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and has found a niche giving advice to dentists in various ways they can invest.
Check out his podcast Wealth Beyond the White Coat and his website for Legacy Point Group to find out what pearls and advice he can offer you.
Harry Wheeler and Alistair Stoddart, two dental students from The University of Glasgow in Scotland, United Kingdom, had a chance to shadow Clint at Blu Dental & Wellness in Marysville, Washington, for a week.
Before they flew out, Clint had a chance to sit down and hear their story. Listen, and find out how dental school and the dental world is on the other side of the pond.
Russell and Clint speak with Erik Zundo of West Lafayette, Indiana, a Fee For Service dentist who has found success in the Hoosier State.
They discuss insurance fees and reimbursement, the Overton Window and ADA meetings and associated fees.
The beginning of the conversation got cut off, but it was mainly Clinton discussing vexillology in the Southern Hemisphere, so no loss, really.
Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman are joined by Mandy Arena, a Denturist in the Midwest leading the charge to make denturists legal in every state. Surprisingly, only a handful of states have legalized denturists.
Their next step is to put legalizing denturist on the ballot in Illinois. Citizens of Illinois, get out and vote for a worthy cause and help legalized denturists. Except for Russell, no dentist really wants to do dentures, so let denturists take them off of their hands.
Jane Levy joins Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman to discuss her company, Plan Forward. Plan Forward assists dentists who may have uninsured, cash paying patients who can benefit from an in-office plan which acts similar to insurance. This creates patient loyalty for dentists while also easing some of the burden patients may experience from having no insurance. Listen and find out if Plan Forward can be a great addition to your office!
Clinton and Russell are joined by Bruce Smoler, who talks about getting involved placing implants and implant education.
He, too, has also placed an implant on himself...
August de Oliveira joins Totally Oral to discuss his latest teaching endeavor: MOD Institute and the importance of 3D printed dentistry.
August also hints at future trends in digital dentistry and if Skynet is inevitable given all the advances in AI.
Dr Matt Bickel goes Totally Oral and talks about being a dentist in "the good part of New Jersey". Most importantly, Matt shares his experience of being embezzled and what steps dentists can take to help decrease the chance of that happening to them.
Russell and Clinton are joined by Mohamed Attia of Alexandria, Virginia, who recently lectured at the annual AGD meeting about clinical pitfalls he wants to help dentists avoid. These suggestions come into play for every day practice, from working with a wife (try to avoid that) and taking an x-ray for emergency patients, even if one was recently taken. Take a listen and perhaps find a pearl or two that could potentially save your bacon!
Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer kick off Voices of Dentistry 2023 with Abraham Hoellrich from the Buckeye State. Find out all the juicy information he possess that may or may not pertain to classified documents found in Kevin Fryer's garage.
Russell and Clint are joined by Tony Thomas, a dentist in San Antonio. Tony talks about how he loves to cannonball in the Riverwalk near couples dining on a first date and how he saw the dancing Six Flags guy at a Hot Topic one time.
Christine Calamia (Levitsky), former classmate of Clinton's, daughter of the inventor of veneers and former student of the inventor of Breath Assure, goes Totally Oral this week to share her insights on dentistry and cornhole.
She mentions her job as an insurance reviewer and shares the cheat code to submit with a claim in order to get onlays covered.
Join us and hear all her juicy secrets such as proof that GV Black inspired L. Ron Hubbard to write Battlefield Earth and Anne of Green Gables.
Clint and Russell are joined by the Maestro of Moses Lake himself, Craig Harder.
Listen and hear us discuss the hard hitting topics we are all curious about, such as the intrique of Enumclaw, Washington.
Armen Mirzayan goes Totally Oral with Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman this week. We talk about CAD/CAM, his company CAD-Ray and CADbury.
Learn more about scanners and what product may be best for you.
To celebrate the one year anniversay of the Totally Oral reboot, Frank Clayton and Rich Rosenblatt join us to reminisce about everything and anything.
Frank finally found out who he had to blow to get an onlay covered by Delta. The answer probably won't surprise you.
Alewx Wardian, Azhar Ahmed and Charli Stein--Marie got Totally Oral at VoD.
Learn all about Soaking and why Azhar has gotten married three times to the same woman.
We discuss Greg's journey as a dentist and how and why he created his technique. We also discuss how it is too damn cold.
Russell shares his favorite song "Numb" by Linkin Park which is in no way related to the guest this week and is simply because at heart Russell is still an angsty teen.
Russel Schafer, Clinton and Lance Timmerman sit down for a chat with Michael Keller, a dentist and former lifeguard from Delaware.
Michael shares his grand plans for marketing and why, if you're not living in Delaware, you're failing at life.