Just in time for the Chicago Midwinter meeting (barely), we have the story of John McMillan DTG, and how his fight against mediocrity has propelled excellence wherever he goes. From big lab to solo to somewhere in between, John has fun stories to share that we can all relate to.
And Lance Timmerman shows that he is still an ass....
As dental podcasts pop up, it is logical that there would be some cross pollination. I mean, seriously, how did we get Reese's peanut butter cups, where two great tastes that taste great together just "happened" to get mixed up?
Pure genius.
So Joshua Austin, from the Accidental Geniuses podcast, spends a few moments with Lance Timmerman. Shared views, silly moments, and some decent music at the end. The transition clip is San Antonio band, Wild Party, and their song "When I Get Older" and the final song is Andrew McMahon's "Cecelia and the Satellite (Toy Version)".
Also, the Smile Source Exchange was mentioned, and for more information, click the link here: The Exchange
Dr Miles Cone is a prosthodontist in Portland, ME, and shares his journey of rising above the mediocrity of the common dentist. His is a tale of toil and turmoil.
Mostly toil.
He mentions the DTG symposium, his artwork on t-shirts he designed, and lab day at the chicago midwinter.
Symposium Registration:
Facebook Fan Page:
Lab day at Chicago Midwinter:
Sit right back and hear a tale, a tale of a young immigrant that joined the Church of the Holy Tooth and became the youngest CDT in history. Or something like that....
In anticipation of the new Star Wars film, Tarun Agarwal lets his geek hair down... wait... not really. He's bald. And says nothing at all about Star Wars.
It's an hour. Like Seinfeld, it is about nothing. It is great.
The Beard, Lucas Lammott DTG, shares his passion for art and metal, which is not mutually exclusive. From rock god in LA, club bouncing, to owning his own dental lab, M31. Lance Timmerman is joined by his brother Clint to bring more light to the dental lab bench!
Dr Clinton Timmerman joins Dr Lance Timmerman as co-host before the main event, the interview with Dr Erin Elliot DDS. Virtual friends for years, Dr Timmerman gets her to open up like never before, but before she cried like a Barbara Walters interview, she gained composure and is ready to take on the world.
Or at least make plans for the next kids' birthday party....
Still searching for talent to join his smaller lab, Jeremiah Naas breaks away from waterskiing to speak with Dr Lance Timmerman. His view on starting out and staying current is a fun time had by all.
How does a female dentist break into a male dominated arena of cosmetic dentistry? By choosing the BEST mentors! Andi-Jean Miro shares her journey from NYU dental school to the Rosenthal Apa Group, the premier cosmetic dental practice in NYC and Dubai. If you don't know who Andi-Jean Miro is NOW, you WILL. Buckle up!
Stacking porcelain in his crib with his mom, Dan Boskocevic worked his way up the ladder to ruling the most prolific porcelain cult on Facebook, GC Initial. Dr Lance Timmerman DMD learns the secret handshake and hopes to someday change his Facebook profile photo to a personalized GC logo. After the Kool-Aid stays down.
Also, don't miss the DTG Symposium in beautiful downtown Provo, August 20-22 2015. Right behind the Maverick and across the street from Sounds Easy. If you see a Food 4 Less, you went too far.
World famous lab tech Phill Reddington with Beever Dental Technology (BDT) in Leeds, England shares how truancy isn't ALL bad. Dr Lance Timmerman DMD steals a few moments on his 10th anniversary to share his story.
And it's not too late for the DTG Symposium! August 20-22 in beautiful downtown Provo, UT. Who will win the World MDA competition? All bets are handled at Harrah's Las Vegas.
Bill Marais from Disa Dental Studio shares HIS story, an illegal alien stealing American jobs and rising to the top of the lab empire. Dr Lance Timmerman DMD almost gets him to break down and cry, Barbara Walters style, in this gripping episode.
Or not.
It's just a fun time between a lab tech and a dentist.
Also, be sure to check out the DTG event August 20-22
Arian Deutch from Arizona shares his story, how he overcame insurmountable odds to rise above it all.... well, odds weren't that bad, but it is still a good story. Dr Lance Timmerman gets him to stop being humble and admit that he is a world champ with dentures.
Also, DTG, Dental Technicians Guild, has a symposium this August, from the 20th to the 22nd and is open to ANY and ALL interested in dentistry.
And let's not forget Smile Source, preserving independent dentistry.
Standing out and setting yourself apart can be difficult for dentists. Randy Alvarez with the Wellness Hour has helped many dentists achieve greater success than they could have ever imagined. Listen to his story of how he started with a "plan B" television strategy that launched a media empire. Dr Lance Timmerman also shares how he balances social media and a dental practice (poorly).
For more information on the Wellness Hour, click www.WellnessHour.com or call 760-434-5559.
For help with business development and sales education for dentists, consider Alvarez University at www.AlvarezU.com or Erika@wellnesshour.com
If you aren't already aware of Von Grow, you soon WILL be. Dark Horse Dental Studio, Damaged Goods, and DTG are his brainchild (brainchildren?) and he/they are doing what they CAN to preserve hand crafted dentistry. CAD CAM has its place, but it does not replace skilled craftsman. This podcast is the "origin story" (any comic book fans out there?) of Von, what he has created, and you can hear his "masterplan". Dr Lance Timmerman gets him to spill the beans.
Also, DTG, Dental Technicians Guild, has a symposium this August, from the 20th to the 22nd and is open to ANY and ALL interested in dentistry.
Article submission for DTG Magazine can be found HERE.
And let's not forget Smile Source, preserving independent dentistry.
In this inaugural episode of Totally Oral, Dr Alan Mead, former breadman and current horse whisperer, shares how he began the leading dental podcast, Dental Hacks, with Dr Jason Lipscomb. With a face for radio, he shares with host Dr Lance Timmerman his master plan for dental podcasting.