
Totally Oral Podcast

Drs Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer furthers the legacy created by Dr Lance Timmerman by interviewing guests who can bring insight in to the field of dentistry.
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Jul 12, 2023

Clint and Russ speak with Dr. Matthew McMasters this week who practices in Ardmore Tennessee which is literally on the Alabama-Tennessee border.  We start out discussing what it is like working in a small town and how he has changed over time from trying to offer Smithson composites to just "A2 make it work."  Finally, we talk about about how to choose CE courses that will bring the best ROI.

Jul 1, 2023

Russ and Clint interviewed Dr. Joshua Grenier.  Josh is an Air Force trained dentist who works as an associate in Rhode Island and also owns a small lab there as well.  We talk with Josh about his experience in the military as well as how he incorporates 3d printing as an associate and as a lab owner.  He also speaks for Pacdent and will be speaking at the upcoming Greater New York meeting.  If you want to reach out to Josh, his email is

Jun 26, 2023

Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman interview Yoana Yurova of Lone Star Dental Arts. Check out her tricks of the trade to create better results when working with your lab.  Is cord better vs using a laser or Traxodent? What about Zirconia vs Emax for anterior restorations? Does cream cheese belong on hotdogs?  Listen and find out!

Jun 18, 2023

This week Russell interviews Eugene Royzengurt LD which Russell finds out stands for Licensed Denturist. Eugene is one of the few licensed denturists in Utah where he teaches at the GPR program.  He owns a small one man lab and lectures as well.  Russell and Eugene discuss various aspects of removable prosth for the hour as well as how removable has moved up in promenience in the world of dentistry (at least in our eyes).  

Russell was pretty badly prepared for this interview and he didn't even realize that Lance had Eugene on back in 2016.  If you want to listen to that interview, the link is here

The link to Eugene's previous webinar that he did for Vita

The link for his upcoming course with Vita on August 4th and 5th, you can sign up online for only 400 bucks which seems like a darn good deal to me at a least.  

Implant Supported Removable Restorations Workshop

Jun 11, 2023

This week Clint and Russell talk with Dr. Andrew Turchin.  Andrew works in beautiful Aspen, Colorado and practices as a Fee For Service doctor focusing primarily on full mouth restorations and cosmetic cases.  We start out discussing how Andrew got his start as well as how Dr. Larry Rosenthal is a better cosmetic dentist than you are and why he moved from NYC to the Rockies. The conversation goes to continuing education as there as so many dentists who want to do cosmetics but really don't know where to start. Unbeknowst to either Russ or Clint prior to this interview, Andrew teaches an over the shoulder course called Cosmetic Coaching a few times a year where he shows his processes of diagnosing, treatment planning, and performing this level of treatment. 

Jun 3, 2023

This week Russell interviews Robert Duque from 3Disc.  Robert came down from New Jersey to NOLA to show off the 3Disc Heron scanner to Russell, and overall it was a good week.  Russell decided to wrap up the week with a podcast.  One of the cooler features of the Heron is the ability to size Kinder zirconia crowns which can be found on YouTube.  Also Russell was impressed that 3Disc paired all their scanners with a laptop that was spec'd appropriatedly with their scanner so that the dentist gets the right experience.  If you are interested in learning more about the scanner, you can either go to or call Robert and he gives his phone number in the last two minutes of the episode.

To watch my video review of the Heron, you can go to my YouTube page an see it.

May 27, 2023

Irene Iancu closes our Voices of Dentistry 2003 experience, discussing such topics as owning a dental office as a non-dentist, life in Toronto, and what duties she feels hygienists should have. Alan Mead even joins us to give an important announcement. 

May 24, 2023

Pavlos Malonoukos, a lab technician out of Flushing, NY, goes Totally Oral to discuss all things digital when it comes to lab work, including AI. Pavlos gives his thoughts on AI taking over the world. His prediction: it's been a fun ride, human race.

May 14, 2023

This week Russ and Clint talk with Jeff Gladnick who is the founder and CEO of Great Dental Websites.  We talk about how Jeff founded GDW and got into this dental advertising.  Jeff ran through Clint's prospective practice and what potential marketing goals should be.  He also outlines great tips for how to choose a marketer and what are some pitfalls for how to avoid black hat SEO scams so that Google doesn't black list you.  It is a great podcast if you want to learn more about Google advertising and how some of the stuff works behind the curtain.

In the interest of full disclosure, Russ has been a client of GDW since 2016 but they are not advertisers on our show.

May 7, 2023

Russ Morrow joins Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman at the VoD after party to discuss all things lasers.  Russell Morrow recently became the Cheif Dental Officer at Biolase and he tells us his journey from incorporating lasers into his practice into lecturing for a major company.  

Russ is also on the Arizona Dental Board and he tells us some common pitfalls to avoid as well as some stories of what it's like to review cases of his fellow dental peers.  

Check out our podcast then catch Russ Morrow at one of his courses

Apr 30, 2023

Clint and Russ talk with Dr. Jared Christopherson this week.  Jared is a dentist in Cheyenne, WY and talks about what brought him back to Wyoming after going to school in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest.  He also talks about his minor vice/passion of playing poker and how that brought him to Vegas to take Russell's course and learn how to start printing dentures. 

Apr 30, 2023

Clint and Russell talk with Travis Rodgers about his elctronic referral system that is simple to use thorugh dental operating softers.  Check out and find out thow this system can benefit you!

Apr 23, 2023

At Voices of Dentistry, Russ and Clint met Derik Van Ness who owns Big Life Financial.  We initially begin discussing the Employee Retention Credit which neither of us knew anything about and moved on to other topics in financial advice and tax strategy.  While Derik is not a CPA, he works with CPAs to do a lot of the leg work to help make sure that you aren't paying more in taxes than you should.  If you want to learn more about Derik and his company, go to Big Life Financial.

Apr 16, 2023

Dr. Kyle Shank used to own a dental office in Indianapolis but decided he needed a change of pace.  He sold his office, and he and his orthodontist wife moved to Montana.  He works as an associate in a couple different offices and runs a one person crown and bridge lab.  We discuss the common issues that Kyle sees given that he understands the clinical, lab, and business aspects of dentistry.  If you want to contact Kyle, you can find him on Facebook or email him  

Apr 7, 2023

Clinton and Russell had a chance to meet Vanessa Vitagliano and Jared Parente of Dental Warranty at Voices of Dentistry.  

Vanessa and Jared explain their business model that protects their client’s dental work by adding a fee for each procedure, similar to any other item a person may purchase and warranty.  Listen to what they have to say and see if Dental Warranty could be an added benefit for your office.

Mar 31, 2023

Zach Meiners and Jason Lipscomb go Totally Oral at VoD 2023.  Just like any good superhero movie, Jason gives the origin story of Voices of Dentistry and how it all came together. Jason and Zach discuss insurance companies and how dentists could take the power back if everyone joined forces like the Wonder Twins

Zach laments how getting his dream car, a lowered GEO Metro, didn't give him the street cred he was seeking. If only he had taken up the keytar like Jason did. 

Mar 27, 2023

Russell and Clinton talk to Assen Dobrikov, owner of Dani Dental Studio. Listen and find out how he went from Eastern Europe to the Grand Canyon State. 

Mar 19, 2023

This week Russ and Clint talk with Paul Lowry about dental membership plans.  Paul created The Dental Menu to help a practice create dental membership plans with common sense bookkeeping techniques that offer an alternative to adjusting production/collections, while also adding ways to build value with your patients. While Russ will admit he was skeptical of Paul initially as we've heard a lot of dental membership companies with similar services, Russ was pretty impressed by the end of the interview and thought that Paul had some great points especially with the ideas from a business perspective. Give it a listen.

Mar 12, 2023

Russell Schafer and Clinton Timmerman find out just how soon-to-be Doctor Lisa Nelson makes her mark in the dental field and Doctor Kelsi Lewis discusses her scratch practice in Austin, Texas and how Texas is surprisingly behind the times in not letting hygienists anesthetize patients. The magical wonders of freeze dried Skittles is mentioned and everyone also wonders why Donald Ducks has no pants but puts a towel around his waste when stepping out of the shower. 

Mar 5, 2023

This week Russ and Clint interview Dr. Lane Ochi. Lane discusses his "retirement" and how he is transitioning out of dentistry.  We talk with him on debt, Fee For Service offices, Rolex ownership, and buying bikes.  He educates us on planning for retirement and where he sees dentistry moving towards.  Overall a great episode.

Feb 28, 2023

Another VOD 2023 podcast where we interviewed Mr. Jay Glazer.  We discussed the company he works for Crazy Dental and DC Dental.  We talk his journey into dentistry and how the dental supply business has changed in the past few decades.  We talk about the business model of dental supply business from customer service to overhead to supply management and the cost of free shipping.  If you want to find out more about his company, go to

Feb 20, 2023

This week Russ talks with Dr. Joshua Wyatt.  Josh owns and runs a seven office DSO in Tampa, Florida call My Dentist Group and we talk about the challenges of ownership from ordering supplies, marketing, and staffing both hygienists and dentists.  

Feb 14, 2023

Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer chat with Steven Dold of Wichita, Kansas, at Voices of Dentistry 2023 and ask him all the hard hitting questions we've all wanted answers to, such as giving Septo for blocks, if CR is a myth and if Han really fired first (he did). 


Feb 5, 2023

In this episode, Russ and Clint interview Dr. Natalie Ballas.  Natalie is a dentist in Portland, OR who is crushing it.  We discuss her journey from West Virginia to Cleveland back to WV for dental school to Oregon to buy a dental practice.  We discuss managing patients as a more or less FFS office in a strong PPO market but also the importance of just doing what you love and living where you want to live.  While our discussion went all over the place, we think that it is still a cool story.  Give it a listen!  

Jan 30, 2023

Clinton Timmerman and Russell Schafer kick off Voices of Dentistry 2023 with Abraham Hoellrich from the Buckeye State.  Find out all the juicy information he possess that may or may not pertain to classified documents found in Kevin Fryer's garage.  

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